About Joyful Vedanta


Joyful and Peaceful Living


1. Inspire and Empower People to Live a Dharmic Life

2. Demystify and Simplify Our Scriptures for Practical Application

Sanathana dharma is not a religion! It’s a way of life; a righteous life. Our scriptures expound deep cosmic truths that are eternal.

Vedanta is a small, but a significant subset of our vast scriptures that helps one to understand and realize the nature of life and Self. Vedanta is neither a mere philosophy nor a set of doctrines. It is a practical subject that touches every aspect of daily living. Vedanta has a very large vision for the physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual well-being of every individual.

Vedantic study is sadly misconstrued as a post-retirement activity, whereas it is actually essential in our youth! It helps everyone to aspire huge, function righteously and contribute deeply– while being in a state of “Joy”.

Joyful Vedanta is a life-long journey in understanding the key elements of our scriptures, in a systematic manner, in a group setting, facilitated by learned teachers.