Points to Ponder
(by Joyful Ranga)
Many of our Life Decisions/Choices are based on our Knowledge. Isn’t it?
Wrong/Incomplete Knowledge is more dangerous than Ignorance!
Both Krishna and Jesus were Shepherds!!
Coincidence or Message?
Our “today’s” health does not depend on what we ate the last few days, but it depends on what we have been eating for many years!! 😊😊
Pujya Swamiji would say often, “You learn swimming by swimming, cycling by cycling, and giving by giving. Anything you do diligently everyday, BY CHOICE, is sAdhana”
If we are afraid to lose, we can’t gain. If we are afraid to risk, we can’t grow. We are meant to move. We choose to get stuck. At the end of the day, we are products of our own choices.”
Many of us thought/believed/knew that when a metal object and a feather are dropped from the same height at the same time, the metal will hit the ground much faster than a feather. Knowledge of Gravity told us so! But, is this Complete knowledge? Is this Correct knowledge?
Kindly check the below video… The experiment shown is based on an earlier exhaustive experiment done by NASA on Vacuum. Our scriptures have explained about Vacuum in far more detail through the Panca Bootha Gnanam (Knowledge of the Five Elements)…
The fact that we have started this journey TOGETHER, is not a coincidence.
When the Time and Situation are ripe, Manifestation starts automatically. But the progress, depends on the FreeWill Choices that we make, on a daily basis.
The states to be analyzed are:
- Deep Sleep
- Anesthesia
- Coma
- Extreme Drugs
- SamAdhi
- Death
In each of the above States, how’s the Body-Mind-Sense Complex impacted?”
In a Rocket Launch, there’s a part at the bottom of the Rocket called “Booster”.
Without the Booster, the Rocket CANNOT take-off!
AFTER the take-off, the same Booster is a “Baggage” and must be thrown into the ocean. If the Booster is not thrown off, the Rocket CANNOT get into the Orbit (Objective of the Rocket)…
Given the above,
Is the Booster needed or not?
In theaters, it’s said that Good actors understand deeply the ROLE they are playing and act.
Whereas, GREAT actors just BECOME that Role. The difference between the Actor and the Role vanishes.
In this context—‘parakiya pravesha’, as it is said—does the actor enter the role—or role is lived by the actor?
Dancer and the Dance are not separate from each other.
This is a little deep and we need to cover some ground before explaining this. That’s all. Hence, I am holding.
To give a quick perspective…
Normally, the MAKER and the MATERIAL are outside of each other. Isn’t it? Potter and Clay, Carpenter and Wood, Goldsmith and Gold etc…
But, how is it in the case of a Spider Web?
The Maker (spider) and the Material (saliva) are not outside of each other. Right?
After the Prey is caught, the Spider sucks the web inside again.
An interview of a Vedanta Teacher (VT) by a Western Journalist (WJ)…
WJ: We, Westerners, ask a lot of questions. But, you Indians, don’t ask any questions.
VT: Can you give an example?
WJ: Newton asked, “Why is the Apple falling from the tree?” and he discovered Gravity.
VT: We asked a different question, you see! We asked, “How’s the apple tree growing Upwards AGAINST Gravity?” and we understood Divinity!
sAdhana has been given much importance and reverence in our scriptures. Be it related to body or mind…
sAdhana is all about consistency and diligence… It’s not about sporadic intensity!
It’s about what we do everyday, even for just a few minutes… be it a few minutes of silence, a few minutes of cleansing, a few minutes of dance, a few minutes of kindness…
We are what we do everyday!
Any word has to be understood within its “context of usage”.
When a parent tells his/her children, “You are the same” ; the reference is with respect to the love shown, treatment, priority etc. One child may be a boy and another a girl! The reference here is NOT about Gender being the same at all.
In the same manner, A-dvaita (non-dual) is used in the context of non-separatedness. i.e.,, The world and I are non-separate from each other; everything is inter-connected; everything is the whole. The usage of the phrase “dual” is not in the context of “counts” ; that is two, three, four etc. The word “Ekam” will not convey this meaning and hence it is not used!
In the context of current discussions, just a question to ponder…
Is Zebra a white animal with black stripes or a black animal with white stripes?
Each of us may have an answer as either of them.
But, what if Zebra is actually a RED animal with Black and White stripes! The Red is never seen!